The Great Masters [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 1:44:30 GMT
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As a pair of hands come up followed by another set of paws both kazimir and his urshifu heave themselves back over the ridge of the cliff and roll over onto the ground until they are on their backs panting as their chests heave up and down. Perhaps they were starting to slack in their training, usually a climb like that wouldn't be so taxing on them but now... Now they felt ashamed mostly due to where they ended up as Kazimir looked over to see a familiar sight. A dojo left in ruins with a single memorial planted in the middle of it all, the place where his Urshifu became crowned as King of Fighters all those months ago. Their sense must see them as pathetic to be so tired after a light exercise like the climb up here.

Of course if it was taxing for them then it must have been even more so on their companion that they brought along to help them with this little excursion. Looking over the edge he waves down to them below with a neutral smile on his face as he calls down to them. "Hey! You alright down there?! Ya need us to send you down a rope or something?!"


[open mission]
[mission dossier]

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March 18
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 5:06:57 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
With a new month came serving a new client. Shalin had been asked to accompany and protect on a trip to a remote Dojo high in the mountains around Fallarbor Town. With the ruins site being remote and mostly outdoors, Shalin had no problems with bringing some of her noisier Pokémon. Their sonic attacks could be useful, too, like she had found on her previous adventures. While explosives were the preferred way to break open weak walls, a Bug Buzz with the right frequency and enough power could get there, too!

As she approached the cliff leading up to the ruined fighting dojo, Shalin heard a voice that could only be her client, Kaz. "Hey!" she shouted back, waving. "I came prepared!" She released Queen Zing, her giant queen Beedrill, who immediately reared up and gave her trainer a big hug. While she was used to the wasp's Skitty-like affection, it had to be a bizarre sight for anyone else. Once they were done expressing their love of one another, she released her and turned to one side, letting her trainer climb on.

Once the green-haired girl was firmly astride the bug-type, she popped her earplugs in and commanded Queen Zing to take off. Her head tilted to her right, watching the giant wing get up to speed until it almost completely disappeared from sight with how fast it was beating. She leaped into the air, and the two were off, scaling the cliff rapidly. The loud droning echoed for quite the distance.

Once the menacing-looking insect scaled the cliff, she landed and rest her wings, waving a foreleg sting toward her trainer's client in greeting. "You must be Kazimir," she assumed aloud as she removed her earplugs. "Shalin Nariya, wildest Pokémon rider this side of Hoenn! Nice to finally meet you in person. This is Queen Zing, one of my closest friends."

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar         Good
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good

{WC: 316}
{PC: 1}

OOC note: This is a REPEAT for Shalin.
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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2022 19:23:04 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He watched as she called out a Beedrill of all pokemon and let it carry her up to the top of the cliff and as they came over the edge Kazimir could only let out a whistle in being impressed. While Pokemon were helpful in cases like this he himself usually tried to go at it with his own two hands, of course there were still times when it was better to rely on a trusty partner than himself he would be lying if the feeling of doing it himself wasn't a great one. Still it was the fact it was a Beedrill of all creatures was a pretty novel sight. Bug Pokemon don't usually come with the reputation of being used like that...unless you were some bug fanatic like was.

"She's a pretty fine Beedrill then that deserves the title of Queen if she ain't afraid of dropping you. Name's Kazimir, the...bravest pokemon trainer this side of Hoenn." He introduced himself as he mimicked her intro with as much confidence as she had while his Urshifu walked up to the woman and Beedrill and bowed to them both, "This here is my buddy Domon and he's kind of the reason why I asked for a pair of extra hands with this sort of."

As the two of them turned towards the remains of the dojo he once fought with his life on the line at some point and the blond walked up to the small memorial plaque that was all that wasn't in ruins. Looking down he once again saw the words inscribed on it;




They were words that he didn't quite understand at first but after events that had come to pass thinking back on them they sort of inspired him a little bit more. At the very least he took it as as long as he followed the path then there was no height he couldn't reach. "There used to be a great master that lived here and he passed his teachings onto Domon there, and ever since we've been trying to hone those teachings the best that we can. I guess I'm feeling nostalgic about it so I just wanted to come here and see if there's something more we can learn from it and maybe even take a memento from it. It is kind of a mess though so clearing through is a bit of a handful, you think that'll be a problem for ya? We're just gonna be looking for anything and everything intact after all like maybe some journals or scrolls holding old martial arts secrets and all that."


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 7:20:51 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin couldn't help but feel flattered at Kazimir's mimicking her style, Queen Zing getting slightly beady-eyed. "Thanks! Queen Zing here is such a sweetheart," her trainer passed that flattery on to her Pokémon. "She loves carrying guests on her back, too. I have a lot of fond memories of flying on Flit, my Yanmega, alongside a friend of mine, atop her." She had to be sounding crazier and crazier by the moment.

"What kind of Pokémon is Domon?" Shalin asked. "I've never seen that kind before." When she read the inscription about the Martial Path, she had some idea what Domon might be. "He's a Fighting-type, right?" She almost assuredly got that answer as Kazimir explained that these ruins were of a fighting dojo. She listened to the man's request, nodding in understanding as he told his story.

"Not at all," Shalin answered when Kazimir finished his story. "I love learning about long-lost secrets like this!" She giggled at his uncertainty about where she could handle the job. "Kazimir, if I couldn't handle it, I wouldn't have taken the job! It's what you're paying me for, right? Can't exactly back down now. Hey, mind if I call you Kaz?" she asked.

Regardless of her answer, Shalin felt Queen Zing would not be appropriate for exploring the inside of a ruined dojo, particularly when they were searching for scrolls that could crumble when exposed to the tremendous air a Queen Beedrill's wings displaced in flight. The echoing vibration would get loud, too. Sure, the constant tingling feeling added to the rush of flight, but this was not the place for that.

She withdrew her Beedrill, replacing her with a female Pyroar that was also fully equipped in riding gear. Her Pokémon seemed to back up her self-proclaimed title. The girl gave the lioness a gentle scratch behind her ear before mounting up, a loud purr turning into a low-volume roar. At least, quiet by Pyroar standards. "This is Kiara," she introduced the Pyroar beneath her.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar         Good
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good

{WC: 337}
{PC: 2}
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 19:04:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"well know ain't she a beauty." Kaz cooed as he approached the Pyroar and gave it a little scratch under its muzzle as he admired it. They weren't his favorite pokemon but something about these cats always did catch his attention and sort of reminded him of a certain giant councilman he kind of knew. "Let's just hope she can temper those flames of hers, heard a pyroar can really bring the heat down. and kaz is just fine." he laughed at his own joke as they made their way around the ruins of the dojo.

As Kaz entered his footsteps carried the sound of not only his feet but also the sound of creaking wood as his weight was enough to make each step he took feel like he was sinking into the ground centimeter by centimeter. Perhaps it was his weight or just the fact that the floor was worn and old, either way it did give a sense of foreboding that he decided to alleviate a little with some light conversation. "To answer your question about Domon, yeah he's a fighting type, part dark too. He's an Urshifu which is kind of rare around these part-"

His sentence was cut off short as his Urhsifu suddenly froze in its tracks as it Detected something under them and shoved Kazimir off his feet as a large PANGORO suddenly burst from under the floorboards with a mighty roar and tower over the group as this one seemed to be larger than the average bear. "What the?! Oh come on now we got squatters in here-crap!" Kaz once again ducked under the arm of the Pangoro as it suddenly charged past him and kept its eyes trained on for some odd reason.


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 0:19:13 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Kiara returned Kaz's affection with some of her own, gently nuzzling him. Poachers loved the luxurious fur of Pyroar for how much it sold for on the black market, and he was finding out why. "I think she likes you...Kaz!" she remarked, her smile growing. She was confident that she would make a valuable friend that could help fill in her own roster's gaps, particularly for adventures such as this one where brute force would be required...or at least be a huge boon to have. "Urshifu?" Shalin shrugged. "Never heard of that Pokémon before--"

Pieces of floorboards went flying around the two as a hulking Pangoro leaped from underneath them, startling Kiara into a violent rearing motion that bucked her rider clean off. "...Ow!" the rider yelped as she landed on her left elbow, her awkward angle triggering the release of Treble, her Hakamo-o, by mistake. By the time he had fully materialized, it was too late for her to protect Kiara; the Pangoro had dropped a devastating HAMMER ARM on top of the frightened lioness, downing her instantly. "Kiara!!" Shalin cried.

Driven into a frenzy at seeing the Pyroar brought down in a single attack, Treble flung himself toward the Pangoro, encased in brilliant, blinding light accompanied by the sound of harsh vibration. It sounded almost like a giant insect's wings going at full speed but without the whirling noise of the rapidly-displaced air. Shalin had to turn away and put her earplugs in, her senses of sight and hearing overwhelmed with the tremendous power Treble's evolution put on display. The vibration became more intense-sounding, then stopped without warning at almost the same time the burning light faded.

Treble, now a Kommo-o that stood taller than her, walked toward Shalin and showed her the devastating power of his CLOSE COMBAT that felled the Pangoro just as decisively. "Treble!" she shed tears for one of her more recent additions to her squad, yet just now proved he was a mainstay on her rotation. "You evolved to save me!" She slowly got back to her feet, still wincing in pain from the strong impact, before embracing her fighting-type.

If that Pangoro wasn't knocked silly by Treble's rapidly-vibrating claws, it would have a big incentive to turn tail and leave them alone. She turned toward the unconscious Kiara and drew her back into her Poké Ball to get a much needed rest. What she really needed was to be taken to a Pokémon Center, but she wasn't going there any time soon. "Phew!" Shalin sighed. "Fighting-type Pokémon are something else, aren't they?" Shalin asked as she noticed Treble sitting down. "Wait, Treble? You want me to hop on?"

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar         KO
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good

{WC: 451}
{PC: 3}
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 19:27:05 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Shalin!" Kaz cries out as the Pangoro zero ins on his muscle and manages to take out her Pyroar with a single hit. Both Kaz and his Urshifu were ready to jump the Pangoro together when a small little dragon suddenly emerged from Shalin's pockets that Kaz recognized as a Hakom-o that suddenly charged at the larger Pokemon. There was an expectation in how this was going to go down and yet the little dragon's body suddenly going through a change changed that expectation as it beat back the Pangoro who quickly turned and ran out of the building. Wanting to leave a reminder to never come back here ever again Domon chased after the Pangoro before it even reached the door and gave it a Wicked Blow that sent it flying out the door.

Once that was taking care of Kazimir rushed over to Shalin's side and stopped himself as he kept his gaze on the Kommo-o and let out an impressed whistle. "Man, that's a fine looking little dragon there, he really saved our bacon there. Y'know he'd probably be taken in as a student if this dojo was still being used." Kaz joked as his Urshifu came up to the fighting dragon and gave a respectful bow to the lizard and a nod of approval, "Now then maybe we can continue to look around for something of use, unless any other Pokemon decided to squat around here."


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March 18
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5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 13:49:19 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin wasn't new to riding Pokémon bareback. After all, she had ambushed and ridden on the backs of wild Pokémon many times! She was just used to more tactile control, plus a saddle kept both the rider and Pokémon more comfortable. She did as Treble was requesting, swung her leg over the Fighting-type's back, and mounted up. To her surprise, the Kommo-o's scales weren't extremely slick, like many dragon Pokémon had. While she would certainly get Treble fitted the next time she returned to the tanner she was a loyal customer of, this would do nicely for now. "Alright Treble, you lead!" the dragon rider said with a smile.

Once the two were off, Shalin turned toward Kaz again, her face beaming at the compliment her new Pokémon was getting. "Thanks! It was really hard to find a Fighting-type Pokémon I liked. I think this might be the only Fighting-type Pokémon species suitable for...well, what I do." Except Keldeo. But that was a story for another time, and not a story to share with someone she not only just met, but would likely never see again. This quest wasn't even personal to her; this merely paid her bills. Hoenn was a surprisingly small world, though; maybe they would run into each other again!

Though the dojo was in a ruined state, some of its upper levels were still intact. Shalin had her new ride Pokémon carefully ascend the stairs; she was quickly finding Treble had both bipedal and quadrupedal running strokes, making the Kommo-o a valuable partner for exploring non-natural dungeons such as this one. At the top of the stairs was an open cabinet containing a single scroll. Treble stopped next to the cabinet, picked up the scroll, and handed it to Shalin. She opened it, finding it was in a language she could not understand. "Hey Kaz, can you read this? It's not in Common or Johtonian."

{WC: 328}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar         KO
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2022 20:55:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Well I have one or two of my own but I gotta be honest I never ever thought about them being some kind of Ride Pokemon." He replied back while watching the lady get comfortable on her new trusty steed. The sight of it sort of got Kaz a little bit curious about riding his own but he still figured their bodies were better used to fighting than carrying others around. Of course he'd never say it out loud out of respect. Everyone had their own way of working together with Pokemon after all.

Following the rider duo up to the other level Kaz was still amazed at how well this old place was holding up even with their little scrap down below just now. The more he looked around the more the desire to just rebuild this place was growing in his head but...something told him that setting up somewhere new was the right call. He had to find a place to call his after all. It would be his teachings that he would pass along if he opened up his own dojo like this...or well to be truthful it would probably be the teachings that his Urshifu knew alone.

Thoughts of a possible future were interrupted by a question about a scroll before them that Shalin herself couldn't seem to decipher so she asked Kazimir if he could. "Uh. Sure let's see..." Making his way over he looked the scroll up and down and squinted at the writing. She was right that it wasn't Common or Johtonian but...Galarian? Old Galarian if he had to guess as some words seemed to look familiar to him but others were a little tough to make out. "Even....through dark, water....shines, climb higher...above. Damn it the rest has letters faded all over the place so its tough to make out. But it seems to be Galarian for the most part. I think its some kind of mantra if I had to guess, maybe about climbing to new heights and using water and darkness to do it. Guess its referring to Urshifu if we're making more educated guesses and while its kinda not museum level of good its still a good find."

Looking around the cabinet he noticed what looked like some kind of indication of a drawer and opened it up to reveal... "whoa didn't think they had things like these." he exclaimed while holding up a pair of nunchucks and nearly jumping to his feet as he started to give one a swing around. "Now these are pretty cool aren't the-gak!" While he was talking he was also swinging them absent mindlessly until it got to close to his face and struck him on the cheek sending him crashing against a wall.


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March 18
Ecruteak City
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5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 7:44:58 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin giggled at Kaz's voiced thoughts about never considering Kommo-o as a ride Pokémon. "They definitely don't seem like they're for beginners, heh!" she replied, still laughing a little. "If you can't handle a sudden tingling sensation, I would be really careful. But you never know!" She was used to that sort of feeling; as it turns out, she had to be in order to sit mere feet from giant wings beating over a hundred times per second. The species was definitely was an exploration mount and not a combat mount; Clanging Scales was completely out of the question. Best case, a rider would slide off in a split second; worst case, serious injury could occur...perhaps even lethality if the scales went at full speed and force.

Shalin listened to Kaz as he attempted to read the scroll, though it seemed everything past the first few lines was faded and challenging to read even though he knew the language. "I've been a lot of places, but I've never been to Galar before," the girl remarked, Treble edging behind the former Elite Four to try to read the scroll himself. He couldn't understand it, either. "If Urshifu is a Galarian Pokémon, then that makes a ton of sense."

It seemed there were several cabinets on this floor, containing an armory of ancient Kantonian and Galarian-style weapons; nunchaku, katana, sai, bo, and the like. Shalin didn't dare pick any of them up; the only weapon she was good with was a bow. "There's a whole armory up here!" She noticed Kaz flicking a pair of nunchaku around in ways that did not look he knew what he was doing. "Be careful with--"

Too late.

The fighting-type specialist could not avoid smacking himself in the cheek. "Are you okay?!" Shalin exclaimed, dismounting from her Pokémon immediately to be able to see what kind of shape he was in. Treble was ready to try to massage Kaz's pain away with the lowest-power CLANGING SCALES he could manage, if things escalated further.

{WC: 341}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar         KO
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 20:50:00 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the rider and her trusty steed stood over Kazimir as he slumped against the wall after hitting himself in the face his Urshifu stood aside in the corner with its face in its hand as it moved away. Down on the floor Kazimir was lost in a world where the dojo had been split into three and began spinning in front of him. It was a soft ringing that seemed to pull him out of this strange realm and back into reality as the copies of the dojo started to merge back into one and he could see the sight of Shalin and Treble right in front of him. The first thought in his head was to give them a smile while rubbing his head with the nunchuck still in hand.

"Yesh...guess I forgot i skipped that class for...this." He dropped the nunchuck onto the floor as he braced his hand against the wall and helped himself back up to his feet, his other hand coming up to rug where he struck himself. He could feel that there was a bump there. Once he was on his own two feet there was a loud grunt from his Urshifu as it stood before a line of pictures. Many of them were faded and covered in dust and yet the figures on them could still be made out and what helped them stand out even more was that they were labeled as old king of fighters...only they were all pokemon.

At the far right of them it ended in a full body portrait of a small shadow like creature that Kaz was pretty familiar with and recognized as their predecessor. The original king of fighters. "whoa...think we just found a timeline of old masters here. this is pretty cool." Each portrait was painted and despite the fading it was clear each one was able to tell a story about each master, how they fought with either their body, a weapon, or even they're element. The one about the MARSHADOW really caught his eye as he lifted it off the wall and blew on it to knock off some of the dust before looking back at Shalin with a grin. "Would you believe me if i said that this was our sensei when we came here? really showed us...some cool shit. don't think he'd or the others would mind if i kept this as a memento and the others were donated to a nice museum somewhere, right?"


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March 18
Ecruteak City
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5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2022 5:27:28 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Yikes. That was quite the mark. Nunchaku were brutal bludgeoning weapons, crashing into their foes much like whips but much more humane about the type of wounds they inflicted. This wound, as awful as it was, would be one Kaz would likely recover from. Even better, it seemed like Kaz wasn't as shaken up as he looked.

The martial artist and his Urshifu led the way to the far right of the floor, leading the explorers to a series of paintings depicting Pokémon that were masters of martial arts. There were many fighting-type Pokémon Shalin recognized, but the one whose picture Kaz detached from the wall was one she did not recognize. "Those should fetch a really good price to the right curator," she agreed with her partner, completely missing the word "donated". "I have to ask, though...what is that Pokémon? I've never seen it before."

{WC: 150}
{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar         KO
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 18:07:58 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kazimir turned the picture around so that he could grab another look at the Pokemon in question and tilted his head back and forth as he tried to remember the name of it. The picture of it was as clear as day... "Marshadow." He blurted out as he did his best to slowly roll up the picture and make sure that he didn't bend it too much or wrinkle it as best as he could. He didn't want to tarnish something that reminded him of his old master however brief that time was. It was still an experience that held a lot of meaning to him.

"Its a Pokemon that can copy people in the most literal sense. It sorta copied me when me and some others came here to speak with the old master here. It was pretty wild especially when it started copying all my moves. The thing really likes martial arts." Looking around a feeling of nostalgia started to come over the man followed by a bit of melancholy. The ruins of this place really did feel like it was a lifetime ago that he was here learning what he could. "I kind of wish i could meet it again but that'll probably need me to be the best of the best. Anyway," He turned back to Shay with a smile holding up the Nunchucks and the poster, "I think we can call it a day for now. Really appreciate the help and company. Next time I need some extra muscle maybe i'll call on you and your Kommo-o there. Dude looks like he can really handle himself."


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March 18
Ecruteak City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
The Great Masters [M]
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 17:08:19 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"Marshadow? Never heard of it, either," Shalin admitted, listening to the capabilities of the fighting-type Pokémon. "So almost like Ditto, then?" As the explanation continued, it seemed like it was a different kind of transformation than a Ditto. It was fascinating how two Pokémon with very similar abilities could use them in vastly different ways. "Sounds like it would be great to meet Marshadow! I can't imagine what it would be like to fight yourself." Shalin, on the inside, would be afraid to meet a Marshadow copying herself. That would be one battle that would not end well for her.

"Sounds like it!" she agreed with returning to Fallarbor Town. "Looks like you got quite the haul, too! I would get your cheek looked at, especially if it starts swelling real bad." It seemed like she may have a repeat customer. "You've been a real pleasure to fight alongside! I'd love to be able to take you some place else in Hoenn!" Her beaming smile grew at how impressed the martial arts master was with Treble. Once the two had reached the bottom, Shalin swapped Pokémon to her Beedrill and mounted up, waving goodbye to Kaz before putting her earplugs in and noisily taking to the sky.

{PC: 7}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Shalin         Human           ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sandy          Flygon          Good
Queen Zing     Beedrill        Good
Flit           Yanmega         Good
Kiara          Pyroar          KO
Treble         Kommo-o         Good
Prance         Wyrdeer         Good
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2022 3:56:59 GMT
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